Spacecraft Animations
SC Animations > WMAP Phasing Loops

WMAP Phasing Loops
WMAP orbits around Earth waiting for the moon to move into the right position. This is about a three week process.
This animation shows the flight path from Earth to the Moon.
Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team
Duration: 30.0 seconds
Available animation formats:
320 x 180 (15fps) QT (67 KB)
320 x 180 (15fps) MP4 (135 KB)
320 x 180 (15fps) WMV (132 KB)
320 x 180 (15fps) Flash (235 KB)
640 x 360 (30fps) QT (354 KB)
1280 x 720 (30fps) QT (1 MB)
160 x 90 JPG (3 KB)
320 x 180 PNG (54 KB)
640 x 360 PNG (137 KB)
1280 x 720 PNG (309 KB)
WMAP # 990535